Glendullan 16 Year Old That Boutique-y Whisky Company

As we race through this years Calendar we should stop for a minute to think just how lucky we are to be able to enjoy these little luxuries.. So many people out there are struggling, be it mental health, homeless or just lonely.

If there is someone out there that you know that is struggling then please just reach out today, a quick hello, a short conversation or a cup of coffee and something warm to eat might just help save their lives.

Here are some contacts that might be of help.. or call 116 123 or call 0300 330 1234 

Suicide Prevention Helpline UK on 0800 689 5652 

The National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK on 0800 689 5652

Crisis Homeless support

I hope between us all we can help make a difference. If you know or are involved with any organisations then please feel free to add in the comments or contact me and i will add to the list..

Batch 3 – Glendullan 16 year old

Nose.. Fresh apple peels and orange rind rise slowly with a gentle floral note mingling within. A hint of pineapple and vanilla fudge become evident with heather honey and freshly mown grass that is still holding the morning dew.

Palate.. Those fruits blend well with soft spices. The apples become a little more tart and remind me of warm apple pie with a little sprinkling of cinnamon, a touch of ginger and vanilla custard.

Finish.. Fresh with gentle spices

Thoughts.. This is a rather tasty, soft whisky that will certainly sit better during the warmer month.. As a stand alone whisky this is extremely enjoyable but i cant help but think this with a splash of old fashioned lemonade would be sublime.

As always there will be an alternative view over at The Dramble..

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